Sunday, January 16, 2011


Altairian Sector - Capital: Altair

The region inhabited mostly by the kingdoms of Regal Races, and contains three subsectors: Alta Major, Terra Major, and Matarran Space.

:: Altair (Alpha Aquilae) - Altairians
:: Centauri (Alpha Centauri) - Centauri
:: Sol (Alpha Solaris) - Terrans, Naitei, Atlanteans
:: Aludra (Eta Canis Majoris) - Aludrans
:: Avior (Epsilon Carinae) - Aviorans
:: Turais (Iota Carinae) - Torans
:: Canopus (Alpha Carinae) - Ona, Kuna, Zena
:: Sirius (Alpha Canis Majoris) - Canians
:: Taurus (Tau Ceti) - Tauri
:: Matar (Eta Pegasi) - Matarrans

Persei Sector - Capital: Zufa (Enif System)

The sparsely habited sector is the last cluster of inhabited stars for hundreds of light years, and was settled mostly by Zumakans. The Tsubu, a hyper-intelligent race on an isolated planet, live here. The Outlier, a binary with 3 planets, houses the "point of no return" until the Polaris sector, heading into Wild Space.

:: Tsih (Gamma Cassiopeiae) - Zumakans
:: Sadr (Gamma Cygnus) - Tsubu
:: Atik (Omicron Persei) - Zumakans
:: Menkib (Xi Persei) - Zumakans
:: Miram (Eta Persei) - Zumakans
:: Mirfak (Alpha Persei) - Zumakans
:: Outlier (Upsilon Sagittarii) - Universal

Scorpious Sector - Capital: Crucis (Acrux System)

A region scorched by generations war, the Scorpious sector houses the Industrial Crescent, the Antares and Shaula systems, and the most populous planet in the galaxy, Crucis, which houses over 400 Billion people, and is twenty times the size of Earth. It also is home to the secretive Shaidi, and their many shrineworlds inside the Railka Nebula (known as the Coalsack, a derogatory term, by the Terrans.)

:: Antares (Alpha Scorpii) - Hemikans
:: Hadar (Beta Centauri) - Shaidi
:: Acrux (Alpha Crucis) - Crecians
:: Dschubba (Delta Scorpii) - Sesslik
:: Acrab (Beta Scorpii) - Cun'ra
:: Shaula (Lambda Scorpii) - Tuzeke
:: Tolus (Mu Scorpii) - Zerjuk
:: Outlier 2 (Gama Arae) - Universal

Orion Sector - Capital: Orus (Skka System)

The Orion sector is closed off to all outside races, because the Orions believe they are so advanced that if they released their technological and navigational findings to the warring species below them, all that would come from it would be sorrow. Most believe that the Orions have an enormous foothold outside the sector, in "Orionic Space". They have navigated through Wild Space and found many new worlds. The Orion empire is said to be millions of worlds in number.

The Orion Sector is home to many smaller races which the Orions protect. The Seraphs, for instance, are a race which is severely unadvanced technologically, but extremely powerful psychically. For that reason, even the Seraphs have a lot to teach to the Orions. The Takek are a race of peaceful tribal

:: Skka (Betelgeuse or Alpha Orionis) - Orions
:: Saiph (Kappa Orionis) - Orions, Seraphs
:: Rigel (Beta Orionis) - Necroids, Spectrals, Takek, Orions
:: Alnitak (Zeta Orionis) - Orions, Takek
:: Mintaka (Delta Orionis) - Orions, Takek
:: Melucta (Epsilon Geminorum) - Orions, Luctans
:: Meissa (Lambda Orionis) - Orions, Universal
:: Hatsya (Iota Orionis) - Aikans
:: Alniham (Epsilon Orionis) - Orions, Suntai
:: Numassi Cluster (Pi Orionis) - Numassi

Vela Sector - Capital: Naos (Naosis System)

Known by many as the "Trade Sector", the Vela sector has many systems which are notorius for "colorful" aspects of Galactic Trade. The Syraka Corporation, a maifa-like criminal organization, is based off the smuggling world of Ahadi IV. The largest portion of the planets in this region are inhabited by Hemikans. Most of the other planets in the region are inhabited by Shaidi outcasts, known as the Kumani, who are in constant war with the Shaidi.

:: Ahadi (Pi Puppis) - Kumani
:: Suhail (Gamma Velorum) - Kerza
:: Naos (Zeta Puppis) - Naosian
:: Asmidiske (Xi Puppis) - Azurn
:: Tseen Ke (Phi Velorum) - Tsun Kan
:: Vathorz Prior (Upsilon Carinae) - Vath

Polaris Sector - Capital: Nualtus (Polaris System)

Ending the First War, the Altairians and Centauri left Known Space through a portal on Altair. The portal led to the Polaris sector, thousands of lightyears away from Known Space. The Naeru, a simplistic, unchanging race, live in peace in the Polaris and Kuhan systems. The Kurath, a fledgling race, are barely spacefaring, and have few interactions with the Altairians and Centauri.

:: Polaris or Tayrah (Alpha Ursae Minoris) - Altairians, Centauri, Naeru
:: Kuhan (Gamma Ursae Minoris) - Naeru, scattered Kurath colonies
:: Kochab (Beta Ursae Minoris) - Scattered Kurath colonies
:: Zal (Zeta Ursae Minoris) - Kurath

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