Sunday, January 16, 2011

Power Trees

Basic Power Tree [Uploaded By Default]

- Blast, Torrent, Tempest: Blast away enemies
- Wave, Tremor, Quake: Cause a shockwave that blows back and stuns bioforms
- Pulse, Shock, Amplitude: Cause an EMP shockwave which stuns mechanics
- Static, Bolt, Storm: Shock attack which may stun mechanics
- Flinch, Pound, Slam: Powerful thumping attack which may stun bioforms

- Field, Shell, Prism
- Block, Fortify, Barricade
- Boost, Elevate, Strengthen
- Upgrade, Advance, Enhance
- Heal, Revive, Resurrect
- Mend, Repair, Reconstruct

- Run, Sprint, Dash
- Push, Shove, Thrust
- Pull, Drag, Fling
- Jump, Leap, Bound
- Persuade, Compel, Convince
- Detect, Discern, Perceive

Advanced Power Tree

- Spin, Whirlwind, Cyclone: Spins enemies, both causing damage and rendering them helpless
- Focus, Point, Target: Selects a specific target and dramatically increases the chances of hitting the targe
- Scan, View, Stare: Allows binocular-like effect without a scope
- Flip, Hover, Fly: Flip allows a character to jump and double jump endlessly, hover allows a character to hold position in mid-air, and fly allows a player to fly upwards in the air endlessly.
- Penetrate, Examine, Infiltrate: Allows a character to see through walls of varying thickness

- Bend, Twist, Contort: Bleeding power which affects one bioform
- Spark, Short, Overload: Bleeding power which affects one mechanic
- Virus, Worm, System Crash: Infectious bleeding power which affects a group of mechanics
- Infect, Sicken, Afflict: Infectious bleeding power which affects a group of bioforms
- Crush, Compact, Implode: Powerful attack which can destroy mechanics or cause severe damage or instant death for bioforms
- Beam, Ray, Glare: Powerful beam of light which can melt mechanics or cause burn damage on bioforms

Oriental Power Tree

- Vanish: Disappear for a small amount of time
- Submerge: Fade into the shadows and travel undetected, springing up from darkness any time
- Slash: Teleport a short distance
- Forsee: Forsee attacks coming at you
- Diffuse: Turn into smoke and travel through doors and walls
- Disperse: Have bullets pass through you. You cannot move while dispersion is in effect

Kumani Crystal Shard
- Surge: Powerful attack of sparks
- Ripple: "Wave" effect paralyzing bioforms and stunning mechanics
- Bolt: Turn into a wave of sparks and directly attack the foe at incredible speed, knocking back and possibly paralyzing/stunning

Suntai Crystal Shard
- Burn: Powerful attack of sunlight
- Flare: "Wave" effect burning bioforms and melting mechanics
- Flash: Turn into a ball of fire and directly attack the foe at incredible speed, knocking back and possibly burning/melting

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